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Welcome on Wikimini Stock!

Wikimini Stock is a huge database of free images for kids (and older folks)! It contains more than 16,300 photographs and illustrations carefully organized into 570 thematic categories. Most of them are freely usable!


Requin baleine-Georgia Aquarium.jpg

Did you know? • Every week, a new discovery with a picture

The whale shark is the largest fish currently living on Earth. It weighs several tons and can measure up to 18 meters long.

18 meters, that's as long as two school buses!

Learn more (French)

Images by topics • +570 thematic categories

Selections • Galleries of specially selected images

Drawings by Wikiminauts
Gallery Drawings by Wikiminauts

Gallery Flags of the world‎

Mother and baby gorilla

Gallery Baby animals with their mothers

Selena Gomez

Gallery Child and teen stars

Human body
Gallery Human body
Statue de la Liberté
Gallery Famous monuments
Optical illusion
Gallery Optical illusions
Gallery Animal records

More galleries in our thematic categories!

“ A picture is worth a thousand words ”

Confucius • 6th century BC

Smiling man

Help us! • People like you

Did you know that this image database is maintained by volunteers?

Wikimini stock is a website based on everyone's collaboration and participation. All images are selected, described and classified by users of all ages.

Discover our best archivists,
and how you can get involved yourself!